Pan de barra

Pan de barra
2H 20M

Why spread delicious and popular Argeta, the No.1 meat and fish pâté in Europe, on the same type of bread day in and day out? Treat yourself to some of the flavours of Spain! In this recipe we’ll show you how to prepare pan de barra, a delicious Spanish bread that only needs flour, water, yeast and salt. It’s easy to make, and won’t take more than around two hours of your time. Once your kitchen is full of the aroma of these delicious Spanish loaves, you’ll be proud of yourself for trying something new and learning more about this staple of Spanish cuisine.


  • white wheat flour400 g
  • warm water200 ml
  • olive oil40 ml
  • dry yeast7 g
  • salt8 g
  • sugar5 g


  1. Place the flour, dry yeast, salt and sugar in a bowl and mix.

  2. Make a well in the middle and pour warm water and olive oil into it.

  3. Mix the ingredients until you incorporate all the flour from the sides of the bowl, then transfer the dough onto a flour-dusted worksurface.

  1. Knead the dough until it’s pliable and soft, which should take 10–15 minutes. Because the dough is not too sticky, you can easily knead it by hand, but a kitchen robot will do the job faster and easier, in just 5–10 minutes.

  1. Place the dough back into the bowl and cover it with a shower cap or a damp cloth.

  2. Put the bowl in a warm spot in the kitchen and let the dough rise to double its volume, which should take about an hour.

Shaping and baking

  1. Turn over the dough on a floured worksurface and halve it.

  2. Roll each half into a long rectangle and fold it, length-wise, into two long loaves.

  1. Transfer them onto a baking tray lined with parchment paper and cover them with cling film.

  2. Leave them to prove for a further 30 minutes.

  3. Preheat the oven to 200°C.

  4. Boil water in a pan and pour it into a fireproof dish.

  5. Remove the cling film and cut 3–5 slanting parallel lines into the loaves using a razor or sharp knife.

  6. Place the baking tray into the oven, and the dish with boiling water underneath.

  7. Bake the loaves for 20–25 minutes, but carefully remove the dish with boiling water from the oven after 15 minutes.

  1. After baking, transfer the loaves onto a cooling rack and leave them to cool.

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