By educating, supporting better nutrition, and promoting sport, we will have a positive impact on the quality of life of 20 million people.
Pledge to society

By educating, supporting better nutrition, and promoting sport, we will have a positive impact on the quality of life of 20 million people.

We are strongly aware of our responsibilities. That is why we actively seek out areas of society that we can improve, contribute to, and build upon, and why we are happy to join local stories and proud to support a better and more prosperous future.

Improving the quality of everyday life
First pledge to society

Improving the quality of everyday life

Improving the quality of life in society
Second pledge to society

Improving the quality of life in society

Financial support for sport, education, and culture

Through sponsorships and donations, we will actively invest and give back to society in the areas of sport, culture, and education.

Pledges and targets by 2030:

  • 1% of our profits will go to sponsorships and donations.

More of our pledges
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