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Pita bread from the oven

Reading time 3 min Share

Pita bread immediately conjures up images of the many delicious dishes we love to serve with it. Cut into triangles, it’s wonderful for dipping in hummus and, of course, in Argeta! You’ll easily get the hang of making pita bread with this recipe, and then happily tuck into it while still hot!

Ingredients for pita bread

250 g white wheat flour
5 g salt
4 g dry yeast
160 ml warm water
1 tbsp olive oil

Recipe for pita bread


1. Place the flour, yeast and salt into a large bowl and mix them together.

2. Make a well in the middle and pour warm water and olive oil into it.

3. Quickly mix the ingredients, just enough to incorporate the flour evenly into the dough.

4. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and leave it to rest in a warm place for an hour.

Shaping and baking

1. Turn the dough over onto a flour-dusted surface and shape it into a cylinder.

2. Cut the cylinder into 6 equal parts.

3. Shape each part into a ball using your palms and fingers, until the surface is smooth and tight.

4. Cover the balls with a cloth and leave to prove for 30 minutes.


5. Preheat the oven to 240°C, with a baking tray heating up inside at the same time. It’s best to use a combination of hot air and grill oven features.

6. Gently flatten and shape each ball into a circle with a diameter of 15 cm.

7. Carefully place a sheet of parchment paper onto the baking tray and place three dough circles on it.

8. Bake for 4–6 minutes at 240°C.

9. While baking, the pita bread will take on its typical shape, puffing up like a pillow.

10. Pita bread can be eaten while still hot.

pita bread argeta

    If you share this recipe, don’t forget to add #ArgetaBread 😉   

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